IFP offers condolences after bus accident kills at least 9 ANC supporters

A bus accident in Paulpietersburg under eDumbe Local Municipality in Zululand killed at least nine ANC supporters travelling from Durban after the party’s election manifesto launch. Picture: SAPS

A bus accident in Paulpietersburg under eDumbe Local Municipality in Zululand killed at least nine ANC supporters travelling from Durban after the party’s election manifesto launch. Picture: SAPS

Published Feb 25, 2024


The IFP has offered the party’s condolences to the ANC and to the families and friends of the nine ANC supporters who died in a bus crash in Paulpietersburg under eDumbe Local Municipality in Zululand on Sunday.

The supporters from the Mpumalanga province were travelling back home from Durban after the ANC’s election manifesto launch held at the Moses Mabhida Stadium.

IFP national spokesperson Mkhuleko Hlengwa said the loss was felt deeply across the political spectrum, adding that this incident reminded us of our shared humanity and “the bonds that unite us all in times of sorrow”.

“This heartbreaking event underscores the dedication and commitment of these individuals to their party and country. Their untimely departure not only leaves a void in the hearts of their loved ones and comrades, but also in the fabric of our country’s political landscape,” he said.

Hlengwa added that road safety awareness and vigilance should remain a priority for all of us during this time of heightened political activity as we traverse the length and breadth of our country while campaigning.

Provincial Transport, Community Safety and Liaison MEC Sipho Hlomuka said the investigation into the accident had already started, and that the Department was already in touch with the bus owner.

“Our investigation is looking at the condition of the road, condition of the bus, weather during the times of the accident and the condition of the driver,” he said.

Hlomuka offered his condolences to the ANC, all the affected families and encouraged road users, mainly public transport movers, to be extra cautious on the road.

“We wish to express our deepest condolences to all the affected families and speedy recovery to all those who sustained injuries,” said Hlomuka.

The Mercury